What's In A Name??
Be it your own name or that of your parents or grandparents, every story starts with a single name. A well-known commercial family history website advertises that all you need to do is enter a name in the search box and all this information will come tumbling out. If only it was that simple! It doesn’t take long to discover that families had naming traditions. The most obvious one is that the first born son would be named after the father and the first born daughter would be named after the mother. You soon find long lines of male ancestors sharing the same name. In my own family William Armstrong is a name that goes back into the 18 th century. My wife’s family has a line of Thomas Anderson going back to the 1820s and a line of Robert Ramseys going back to 1789. You find the same names repeat themselves in families so the siblings of each generation often share names so you will have long lists of James, David, Sarah or Susan. A lot has been written about Scottis...